I've only used thyme in cooking but never thought about it in any other way. When my friend Laura (and Sponsor) told me SwissJust had a Thyme Cream, I was like WTF? She told me that she used it on her little girls when they would get a cold and I was like reeeeealllly?? I myself have two little boys ages 5 and 1 and they are always getting sick! I hate over the counter meds so i'm always trying to cure them with Vaporub and I fail because my 5 yr old always ends up in urgent care with some type of infection.
When I went to my first training on Thursday alot of ladies were RAVING about the Thyme Cream, so of course I had to google this ish... so I did and I found this:
The first strength of the aroma is medium to strong. Thyme is used in several ways for medicinal purposes. It is known to help arthritis, cuts, flu, insect boys, lice, oily skin, poor circulation, dermatitis, colds, and sore throats. There are many uses for this popular essential oil. The only safety concerns are that it not be used in patients that suffer from hypertension. It also can be an irritant to the skin and mucous membrane. Thyme is from the same family as sage and is a strong stimulant. As with all oils, the thyme oil is potent. Use only as directed for maximum benefit.
Thyme can be used as a stimulant to the circulation and raise low blood pressure. Thyme is also good for those who are feeling drowsy, depressed, or fatigued. It’s an appetite stimulant and is good for those that have been seriously ill. Thyme is also known to stimulate the brain and improve memory.
There are some wonderful benefits to using thyme. Diluted in oil it is wonderful for a massage. Massage those parts that you can reach, or have someone else massage any affected area. It will help relieve sore muscles and minor pains of arthritis.
If you add six to eight drops in your bathwater and soak for at least 10 minutes, you will sleep better that night. You can use thyme as a steam inhalant by placing two drops of oil in a steaming bowl of water, draping your head with a towel and taking deep breaths. Using one drop while cooking can help digest your food more efficiently.
Thyme is a strong antiseptic and is often used for disinfecting hands before surgery. It is helpful in gastric infections. Thyme is effective for treating all forms of infection. It’s especially effective against mouth and throat infections, colds, coughs, and sore throats. It can be used as an inhalant, mouthwash, or gargle. Thyme is also good for mouth and gum infections.
There are so many uses for this essential oil, thyme is used in cooking and aids digestion. It’s also good for urinary tract antiseptic, and for use in treating infections in the bladder and urinary tract.
Thyme is used also to ward off infections. By stimulating the production of white corpuscles, it increases the body’s resistance to any organisms that are trying to attack from the outside.
As well as the other benefits that thyme has, it can also be used in hot compresses to relieve pain and joint pain related to rheumatism. Used in hair rinses, it can also be used for sores and wounds. In addition, because it is an antifungal it can also be safely used for athlete’s feet.
Thyme is used in over-the-counter products such as Listerine mouthwash and Vicks VapoRub. It is well-known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties.
Thyme tea is often used for coughs from emphysema, bronchitis, and even whooping cough. Tea made from thyme is also good for colds and flu.
To make the tea you need two teaspoons of dried herb for each cup of boiling water. Let it steep for ten minutes. You may want to add sage to the tea if you have a nagging cough. Thyme was an active ingredient in the over-the-counter cough syrup called Pertussin. You can make the tea a little stronger and it’s effective in treating sore gums.
There are many uses for this essential oil and its all-natural essence makes it a wonderful addition to your essential oil collection. With the many uses of thyme, wouldn’t it be a good idea to stock up on this essential oil and seriously consider some of the cures that can be gained from it.
Wow, Nice! Guess what, I ordered my first batch of the Thyme Cream a few days ago and I should be getting it on Monday....which is great because my 1 yr old is coming down with the sniffles....Just in Thyme! hahahaha... ok sorry..