Friday, February 26, 2010

Sandalwood...the Aphrodisiac.....eeeeeh!

At today's Wellness Gathering, the hostess asked me about Sandalwood. I told her that it was an aphrodisiac and her face lit up :-) I promised her I would find out what else it could be used for other than that it also makes your hair super here's what I found:

Therapeutic properties

The therapeutic properties of sandalwood oil are antiphlogistic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, carminative, diuretic, emollient, expectorant, sedative and tonic.


This relaxing oil has a harmonizing and calming effect which reduces tension and confusion and is ideal for use in depression, hectic daily lifestyles and states of fear, stress, nervous exhaustion, chronic illness and anxiety.

It is very useful for any chest complaints as it has a pronounced effect on the mucus membranes of both the pulmonary as well as genito-urinary tract - making it very effective for complaints of the urinary tract as well.

Chronic chest infections, sore throats and dry coughs as well as bronchitis and asthma can benefit greatly from this oil, as well as cystitis and bladder infections, also helpful with sexual problems such as frigidity and impotence.

On the skin, sandalwood oil relieves itching and inflammation of the skin, and is most effective in relieving dehydrated skin - making it great for anti-ageing skincare - and the astringent action has a great toning effect and is also used with great results in oily skin conditions and to prevent the skin from forming ugly scars and for fighting dry eczema.

Sandalwood oil can be helpful for the nervous system, for chest and urinary tract infections, for sexual problems and for skin care.

Burners and vaporizers
In vapor therapy, sandalwood oil can be used for its aphrodisiac effect, to help clear bronchitis, coughs, chest infections, asthma, insomnia, irritability, nervous tension, stress, tension, for relaxing and as an insect repellant.

Blended massage oil or in the bath
As a blended massage oil or diluted in the bath, sandalwood oil can assist with bladder infections as well as chest infections and bronchitis, coughs, dry eczema, insomnia, forming scar tissue, irritability, nervous tension, stress, tension, as an aphrodisiac and for relaxing.

It can be effective when diluted and used as a gargle for a sore or dry throat.

Lotions or creams

When used in a lotion or cream sandalwood oil can assist with chapped, dry or inflamed skin and has wonderful moisturizing and hydrating properties, which are great for anti-ageing skincare. The toning effect is useful when fighting oily skin.

Man, I fall in love with SwissJust more and more every time, for the wonderful products they carry!!!!
! :-)