Friday, February 26, 2010

Sandalwood...the Aphrodisiac.....eeeeeh!

At today's Wellness Gathering, the hostess asked me about Sandalwood. I told her that it was an aphrodisiac and her face lit up :-) I promised her I would find out what else it could be used for other than that it also makes your hair super here's what I found:

Therapeutic properties

The therapeutic properties of sandalwood oil are antiphlogistic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, carminative, diuretic, emollient, expectorant, sedative and tonic.


This relaxing oil has a harmonizing and calming effect which reduces tension and confusion and is ideal for use in depression, hectic daily lifestyles and states of fear, stress, nervous exhaustion, chronic illness and anxiety.

It is very useful for any chest complaints as it has a pronounced effect on the mucus membranes of both the pulmonary as well as genito-urinary tract - making it very effective for complaints of the urinary tract as well.

Chronic chest infections, sore throats and dry coughs as well as bronchitis and asthma can benefit greatly from this oil, as well as cystitis and bladder infections, also helpful with sexual problems such as frigidity and impotence.

On the skin, sandalwood oil relieves itching and inflammation of the skin, and is most effective in relieving dehydrated skin - making it great for anti-ageing skincare - and the astringent action has a great toning effect and is also used with great results in oily skin conditions and to prevent the skin from forming ugly scars and for fighting dry eczema.

Sandalwood oil can be helpful for the nervous system, for chest and urinary tract infections, for sexual problems and for skin care.

Burners and vaporizers
In vapor therapy, sandalwood oil can be used for its aphrodisiac effect, to help clear bronchitis, coughs, chest infections, asthma, insomnia, irritability, nervous tension, stress, tension, for relaxing and as an insect repellant.

Blended massage oil or in the bath
As a blended massage oil or diluted in the bath, sandalwood oil can assist with bladder infections as well as chest infections and bronchitis, coughs, dry eczema, insomnia, forming scar tissue, irritability, nervous tension, stress, tension, as an aphrodisiac and for relaxing.

It can be effective when diluted and used as a gargle for a sore or dry throat.

Lotions or creams

When used in a lotion or cream sandalwood oil can assist with chapped, dry or inflamed skin and has wonderful moisturizing and hydrating properties, which are great for anti-ageing skincare. The toning effect is useful when fighting oily skin.

Man, I fall in love with SwissJust more and more every time, for the wonderful products they carry!!!!
! :-)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Yesterday I was part of a great training call on Aromatherapy. The speaker had great stories and facts about different essential oils.

She even went to talk about how PURE the SwissJust essential oils are when you compare them to others out in the marketplace. She came across a lady who had bought "Pure Eucalyptus Oil" from Whole Foods and how dissatisfied she was with it, so she didn't care to buy any from her. She told her to bring her bottle so they could compare. 

So she did just that, the lady put a few drops on her hand and rubbed them together, and the speaker did the same with her SwissJust Eucalyptus oil

They waited a few minutes and checked their hands. The lady that had put on the Whole Foods oil, still had oily hands and her hand smelled like petrolium, while the Speakers hands were completely dry! She went on to say how her hand smelled like Eucalyptus all day. This proves how PURE these oils are and how your skin absorbs them in a matter of minutes. Others out there have a lot of synthetics even though they say they are Pure Essential Oils. 

  Another thing that specifically stuck in my mind was when she talked about Peppermint. I thought peppermint was just good for toothpaste and sireee, I was wrooong....

Here's the rundown:

Native to Asia and Europe, mint has a strong menthol scent typical of many daily use products such as toothpaste, chewing gum and sweets. It has dark green leaves and its flowers vary between white, pink and violet. Peppermint essential oil is obtained through steam distillation and one needs 500 kg of blossomed plants to extract 0.5 kg of essential peppermint oil.

It soothes pain, relieves muscular spasms and reduces inflammation. It fights infections, clears and opens the respiratory tract and reduces fever. Peppermint oil also helps with digestion, clears the mind and stimulates concentration.

hmmm.. and then I found this in the Fan Page:

We just found an interesting study from Wheeling Jesuit University that links Peppermint to weight loss and reduction in hunger.

In the study, inhaling the scent of peppermint every couple of hours helped people eat less.
 By the end of the 2-week study, the people ...who had sniffed peppermint every couple of hours during the day had also consumed fewer calories and eaten less fat, less saturated fat, and less sugar than the
nonsniffers did.

Bonus: Peppermint also reduces feelings of hunger.

And in my post below I also found out how beneficial to the brain peppermint is, especially if you suffer for ADD!

WOW, and you thought you knew it all, I am fascinated by what I find each and every day.....

Monday, February 22, 2010

31 Herbal Oil the magical potion

One of SwissJust most popular products is the 31 Herbal Oil. I wanted to educate everyone more about it, and I even found some testimonials that are amazing because it highlights all the different uses of this magical mixture of essential oils! 

HAHA, one of the things that I love it for is that it's AMAAAZING on hangovers.  My mom doesn't drink, but about a month ago she decided to go to her Comadre's house to make tamales. Well, these two ladies decided to drink a whole bottle of wine while making these tamales, and the next day, my mom had the biggest cruda (hangover) ever! 

LOL,,, so she put a few drops of 31 Herbal Oil on her fingertips and applied it to her stomach, belly button and temples...I swear within 10 minutes later, like magic, her nausea, stomach ache and headache were completely gone! The symptoms went so far, far away that she felt good enough to eat FOUR tamales right after...hahahahhahaha.....True Story... :-)

Herbal Oil 31 consists of a mixture of the purest and twice refined oil essences (cleaned by distillation) of 31 medicinal herbs.

It is one of the most versatile, soothing, yet stimulating products in the Jüst range and is used by customers all over the world to help, support and relieve a wide range of ailments and complaints. These range from headaches, arthritic pains and aching joints to indigestion, toothaches and insect bites.

Pure essential oils of Eucalyptus, Dill, Anise, Dwarf Pine, Sage, Vanilla, Pine Needle, Fennel, Ginseng, Orange, Cajeput, Mace, Citronella, Peppermint, Myrrh, Lemon, Wild Mint, Violet, Melissa, Menthol, Rosewood, Rosemary, Garlic, Goat''s Rue /Galega, Thyme, Cumin, Benzoin, Juniper, Cinnamon, Wintergreen are contained in Herbal Oil 31.

The amount of each of the 31 herbs is chosen by dividing them into 6 main groups, which together form a fragrant effect that support each other. Every one of the herbs used is absolutely pure and comes from the best-cultivated areas in the world. This is very important due to the fact that the effect of the 31 Oils varies considerably according to each cultivated area.

This product should be in every home as it has so many uses and benefits

Customer Testimonials for 31 Herbal Oil 

Subject: Hayfever and allergies Contributor: Thelma Race

Mountain Hayseed, Winter Bath, Thyme Cream and Eucasol Spray - This is a great set to use during the winter months to help prevent not only Hayfever, but many other allergies by helping to boost the immune system. The Thyme Cream and Eucasol Spray are also very good for asthmatics.

Subject: Clean Teeth Contributor: C Prosser

My dad uses Herbal Oil 31 on his teeth everyday and he says it has removed the stains left from tea and coffee.

Subject: Spondolosys Contributor: Audrey Milner

My niece used the Herbal Oil 31, she used it for , and found it so helpful for pain and relieving stiffness. Because of her recommendation I have used it myself. I used the Herbal Oil mixed with San Activ Cream., and massaged into my back when I fell downstairs, from top to bottom. I was able to rest much better when I went to bed, it help relive a lot of the soreness.

Subject: Aching or pulled muscles Contributor: Veronica (Midwife and nurse)

The Herbal Oil 31 can be used for all sorts of ailments. The main ones that I have used it for is aching muscles, or a pulled muscle in the legs, just a small amount massaged in gives you relief. It can be used in the bath as Aromatherapy for Headaches, Cold and flu symptoms, stress.

Subject: Varrucas Contributor: Trudi Bareham

Herbal Oil 31 - Is the best and only product you need for Verrucas. Apply twice a day on a cotton bud, and they will disappear between 1 week–1 month, depending on how long you’ve had them.

Subject: Pain relief Contributor: M Scannell

Herbal Oil 31 - I have found that this oil helps with pain relief for tooth aches, headaches and period pains

Subject: Ear ache Contributor: Hayley Kerins

I have used Herbal Oil 31 for my 5 year old daughter's recurring ear ache, and it enables her and me, to have a good nights sleep when pain strikes.

Subject: Bilateral Pleurasy Contributor: Pam Griffiths

During February 2001 I suffered with Bilateral Pleurasy which was extremely painful, and frightening as every breath you thought was your last. After 4 courses of different antibiotics from the G.P. I resorted to treat myself with Just products. I got my sister to apply the following mixture four times a day, within 10 days I was on the road to recovery and NO PAIN!. I had another chest infection the following year, made up the mixture again and the infection was gone in 6 days with no antibiotics. The mixture was as follows:- San Active cream, Juniper cream, Thyme cream - Desert spoon of each mixed together added 5 drops of Herbal 31, 3 drops of Anti stress Activator mixed together and applied all over the lower part of the chest area (back) over the throat and neck area( front), behind the ears and a spot under the nose. Potent stuff!

Subject: Hayfever Contributor: A Santoro

Suffering from hayfever throughout the night, I put some Herbal Oil 31 around temples, forehead and sinus areas-within minutes all the symptoms disappeared. Wonderful stuff!

Subject: Stress, pain, depression Contributor: Annonymous

Herbal Oil 31 - FANTASTIC, I couldn’t live without it!

Subject: Sooths and calms Contributor: S Kettle

Herbal Oil 31- This is a fantastic all rounder, sooths, calms, and refreshes the parts other oils cannot reach

Subject: Worth every penny Contributor: Michelle Betteridge

Herbal Oil 31 - But the best has to come last – and that has to be the Herbal 31. First impressions – OUCH!! £23 for a bottle of herbs?? But having taken the challenge and purchased a bottle I would pay whatever it took now. I would simply not be without it. In fact, during a holiday a couple of years ago, I unfortunately broke my bottle of Herbal 31. Thankfully my consultant had the foresight to put her name/telephone number on all the products – so I was able to call her straight away, and I had another bottle waiting for my return. Its uses are endless, and I have not yet found anything that it has not had an affect on. From burning as a room essence to solving dandruff!

Subject: I love Herbal Oil 31 Contributor: Debbie Wellins-Sells (Health Visitor)

I have used this oil for so many problems. I like the scent of the Herbal oil 31 which really heps with sinusitis, headaches, colds. My neighbour has used it for sciatica. I use this product regularly in my oil burner too. I like the health benefits which I find really beneficial.

Subject: Mouth ulcers/back pain Contributor: Claire Browning

A great all rounder, helps with mouth ulcers. When mixed with San Active Cream, was great in helping back pain, it dulled the pain - GREAT

Subject: Comfortable night Contributor: C J Nicholls

Herbal Oil 31 and San Activ Cream - This combination when rubbed into my legs helped ease the cramp that was keeping me awake at night.

Subject: Relaxed muscles Contributor: Natalie Lee

Muscle Bath, and Herbal Oil 31 - After over doing it in the garden and cycling 20 miles in one day, I had no stiffness the following day.

Subject: Nits Contributor: Rekha Venkat

Herbal Oil 31 and Tea Tree Shampoo - I tried these two products to see if it cleared the Nits on my cousins head I used a little bit of the oil mixed the shampoo, left it for 15 minutes, and then rinsed thoroughly. When I combed it through he nits were just coming off. So yes I tried and it worked!

Subject: All sorts of ailments Contributor: Veronica, Bridgnorth

Herbal Oil 31 - This can be used for all sorts of ailments. The main ones that I have used it for is aching muscle, or a pulled muscle in my leg, just a small amount massaged in gives relief. I have also used it in the bath to help headaches, colds and flu symptoms and stress.

Subject: Mid night comforter Contributor: Shirley Washington

Herbal Oil 31 - Helps me get back to sleep when I wake with a blocked nose in the middle of the night, a small drop on my nose helps me to breath easy, and comforts me.

Subject: No. 1 product Contributor: Susan Bailey

Herbal Oil 31 - it helps relieve pain and itchiness immediately from stings and mosquito bites, and the bites heal very quickly. A couple of drops on toothpaste when brushing teeth, makes my mouth feel fresh for a long time and helps reduce the amount of plaque on my teeth. Helps relieve headaches almost immediately especially stress/decongestant.

Subject: Excellent Contributor: C M Kilty

Herbal Oil 31 - This is excellent for mouth ulcers.

Subject: Best all-rounder I know Contributor: Julie Nyanyo

Herbal Oil 31 - It is the best all round remedy I have ever used. It clears a blocked nose, eases toothache and much more, I use it for all the family and wouldn’t be with out it now

Subject: Thanks to our Jüst consultant Contributor: D Crowder-Johnson

Herbal Oil 31 - I have suffered with blocked sinuses for many years and tried various medications, My wife went to a Jüst presentation and bought a bottle of HO31, she suggested I rub a drop around my nose, I was skeptical, but I tried it. To my surprise and delight the next morning I could breathe quite freely through both nostrils.

Subject: My period pain saviour Contributor: Ruth Haywood

Herbal Oil 31 - After years of suffering very bad period pains I was introduced to HO31. It became my life savior. I just use a drop on my stomach in times of need and suffer no more. It’s a God Send.

Subject: Great for my sinuses Contributor: Rita Dalley

Herbal Oil 31 - I use this twice a day on my knees and once a day around the sinus areas. My knees are much better, but I can say that I have not had sinus since using it. I used to have sinus problems quite often and quite bad, but haven’t had it since, I also use it on any muscle ache areas and it is so good. My mum is 90, and she uses it on her knees as she has bad arthritis in both her knees.

Subject: It’s fantastic Contributor: Sophie Baker

Herbal Oil 31 - This is great for lots of ailments, from colds, sore throats, bad breath, tooth whitening. Its Fantastic.

Subject: Repetitive Strain Injury Contributor: Mrs Swancott

Herbal Oil 31 and San Activ Cream - These products mixed together helps with pain relief for Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)

Subject: My nan swears by it Contributor: Sophie Baker

Herbal Oil 31 and San Activ Cream - My nan uses these combined every day on her arthritic ankles and hands, she absolutely swears by it. She finds her joints feel more movable and not so stiff once applied.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Essential Oils and the Brain

I found this really cool article about Essential Oils and the Brain..


Essential Oils and the Brain

Improve Mental Clarity and Focus, Thinking, Learning and Test Scores

Essential oils can improve thinking by carrying oxygen to the brain and stimulating brain centers for learning - improving writing, work, and test marks.

Fragrances have the power to affect mood, emotions, and our impressions of the people and places around us. Scents can be comforting, enticing, exciting, or depressing and unpleasant. Is it any wonder, then, that the sense of smell has the ability to heal the brain and improve mental focus? Essential oils such as frankincense, peppermint, rosemary and vetiver have been shown to clear the mind and improve test scores, writing, and productivity.

How Essential Oils Feed the Brain

Essential oils nourish many of the body's systems by carrying oxygen and other nutrients to the cells. The cells of the brain are no different than others in this regard. Essential oils contain a mixture of both large and small compounds – molecules small enough to cross the blood-brain barrier and enter the brain itself.
Essential oils may be an invaluable tool for cleansing toxins and heavy metals, such as aluminum, that lodge in the brain and contribute to memory loss and Alzheimer's.
They also trigger areas in the brain (e.g. the amygdala) that relate to the emotions – the parts of the brain that store trauma and pleasure, as well as memory. This is why essential oils can be used in therapy to help release fears and change belief systems. It also explains why smelling the same oil while studying and writing a test helps with recall of information.

Essential Oils for Better Learning

Almost any essential oil can help with learning and studying skills, depending on your needs: most oils have either stimulating or sedative properties, either refreshing the mind or calming those who are worried about their performance. Be aware, however, that results will vary greatly with the quality of the essential oils used – adulterated oils (poorly pressed, or with junk chemicals added) can make people feel drowsy or distracted.

Several oils are known in particular for their ability to improve mental acuity and focus. These are:
  • Frankincense (Boswellia carteri) – one of the most powerful healing oils, frankincense stimulates the limbic system of the brain as well as the hypothalamus, pineal and pituitary glands. It has been used against cancer and depression.
  • Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) – the bright, sharp fragrance of rosemary is clarifying to the mind and emotions.
  • Peppermint (Mentha piperita) – stimulating and refreshing, the sweet smell of peppermint oil is used to awaken the mind and heighten the senses. It is one of the best oils to boost energy, creativity and learning skills.
  • Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides) – dark, smoky and rich, vetiver is profoundly grounding and tonic to the mind. It is often used for depression or to help children with ADD and ADHD to focus and learn. It is stress-relieving and calming.
Any of these oils can be used by inhaling a drop or two from cupped hands or (with the exception of vetiver, which is too thick) by diffusing them through a room, apartment or house.

Typically, the back of the neck and the "brain stem" (at the base of the skull) are two of the most effective places to apply oils for clear thinking and learning.

Geranium,hmmmm really it does that?!


Yesterday my mom was feeling a little blue, so I recommended her to put on a a drop of Geranium behind her ears (if you didn't know, behind the ear is the thinnest part of your body therefore making the absorption of the oil into your system easier)

Today she woke up with all the energy in the world! I knew that Geranium had "balancing" effects therefore that was my first choice to give to her (she usually lacks energy) but this morning I was happy to hear she even got up and exercised :-)

I decided to look up more information on this wonderful essential oil and this is what I found:

Geranium Essential Oil Benefits

Geranium oil comes from the leaves of the geranium or pelargonium flower and historically was used to clean cuts. It has a light floral scent, similar to a rose essential oil, that's pleasant simply as an air freshener. But it has other health applications as well.

Improves Skin Condition

Mix a few drops of  Geranium Essential Oil with about half a cup of distilled water to help with skin conditions such as dry or oily skin. It's especially fantastic if you have combination skin, or skin that's oily in patches and dry in others.
Geranium essential oil mixed with distilled water is also helpful with burns, frostbite and acne. It has antiseptic properties so not only does it help heal, but it prevents infection.

Reduces Cellulite

Some aromatherapy experts have found that when geranium oil is mixed with a carrier oil (a few drops to about half a cup) and rubbed into cellulite that it decreases the puckering look. Try a massage on cellulite in the morning or before wearing that bathing suit to help reduce the appearance of your cellulite.

Fights Depression

Like many essential oils, geranium can fight day-to-day depression. Release a few drops through a diffuser if you're having a hard day but can't take the time to de-stress. If you have a few minutes, release a drop onto a piece of cotton, hold it close to the nose, close your eyes and breathe deeply.

Balances Hormones

Geranium essential oil balances female hormone imbalances; this is why it's used to treat PMS symptoms, menopause symptoms, menstrual cramps and sore breasts. There are many ways to use geranium oil to treat hormone imbalances. You could add a few drops to a diffuser or vaporizer, or release a drop onto a cotton ball and inhale deeply. For menstrual cramps and sore breasts, try adding a few drops to a Carrier Oil and massaging into the affected areas. If a massage is too painful, add a drop of geranium oil to a warm compress and cover the abdomen or breasts to relieve the symptoms.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Lavender Cream Oh How I love Thee!

I got my products in today woo hoo!  And in those products came one of my favorites, the Lavender Cream. You see people, this wonderful cream is AMAZING, it puts my 1 yr old straight to sleep. The first time he encountered this cream, or the cream encountered him, he fell asleep ON THE FLOOR! I couldn't believe my eyes haha!! Well, guess what happened today to the energetic baby who wouldn't stay put one minute... unless he's eating, and don't let ANYTHING come in between this baby and his food....unless...........
....there's SwissJust Lavender Cream involved....

EVERY parent should own their own magical cream, and guess what it's UHMAAAAAIIIZING on diaper rashes!!!!! 

Hurry, click on Shop Now and get yours today!! 

HAHA this turned out to be a pretty nice commercial!  Once again, I'm telling you people, this stuff is the real thing, see for yourself :-)

Ps.. here's what the makes the Lavender Cream so great:

 The healing properties of lavender have been known for over 5,000 years. It is considered to be a good antiseptic, a circulation activator, a pain reliever, and a powerful healing agent. It reduces inflammations, repels insects, soothes and relaxes nervous conditions, balances the mood and is frequently recommended for depression.They have been known to: Physical Benefits:Care for the skin and help alleviate various problems.Help heal burns and prevent from scaring. Soothe irritations. Refresh and restore. Help repel insects. Fight skin infections. Be suitable for both children and adults. Emotional Benefits:Promote a good night's sleep, soothe and relax daily tensions and balance the senses and the emotions through a massage. Improve the mood.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Super Charged, Super Motivated!

Today was the launch of the new product, the Soy Delicate Moisturizing Gel, and guess who was there there?  Jacques Mizrahi, the President CEO of SwissJust and I got to chit chat with him! Cool no?! Well i'm sure you don't think so, but seeing this dude in videos and then seeing him in person is so much cooler.

Anyway, it was such a wonderful event. A lot of ladies were there including my sponsor and friend Laura, (she's on her way of earning a laptop by the way)  How cool is that! She's one of the top sells people in the country! WOOO HOO!  HA, and something also pretty cool, there was a MALE Top Sales person as well!! He was the only male present and he's rocking the SwissJust blood all over....seeeee this stuff is NOT just for women, MEN TOO! Cool stuff.

The topic of the evening was this Soy Delicate Moisturizing Gel. It's targeted for women who are on the verge or in the Big M...yes...Menopause, here's the description straight from my website

Every woman has different and specific moisturizing needs that are accentuated as time goes by. To meet these needs, Just developed the New Delicate Soy Moisturizing Gel, enriched with aloe vera. With a light and natural texture this wonderful gel moisturizes intensely and restores intimate comfort. Parabens Free - Fragrance Free - Colorant Free.
Here's what it looks like

Yes, you read's kind of a KY Jelly type of product...and I must say, it's not only for women going through's for ALL Women :-)  My husband and I really enjoyed it, I know, TMI, TMI....

Anywho, I learned today how many products SwissJust actually has to treat Menopause and because of that I love it even more....I'm only 28...but one day I'll be 50..and I'll be needing as much help as I can and I love the fact that I can do it with ALL NATURAL products.

My mom went with me and she loved the whole night, she had a blast,(especially because she got a free essential oil, Jasmine, her fave!)  and now she's an even bigger supported of my business. Gracias Mami, Te Amo!

Well that's all for today, tomorrow, more stuff, information etc!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Anti-Stress the wonderful magical potion

Ha! I just received a call from my mother in law...I gave her the "anti-stress" treatment on Sunday and she boasted on and on over the phone how great she felt the next day! Seeeeee I told you people this stuff works, I've been using it religiously for about a month now and couldn't feel any better. The reason this stuff works is because it penetrates into your skin and you are getting a total of 15 essential oils: Basil, Fennel, Geranium, Hops, Camomile, Lavender, Peppermint, Rose, Juniper Berry, Cedarwood, Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, Mountain Pine, Rosemary, Balm Mint.

All these oils help relax and calm the stresses of everyday modern life including nervous tension.

Whenever I talk to people about it they think i'm crazy...but I say "try it" you'll see for yourself.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Thyme the wonderful herb you never knew it was

I've only used thyme in cooking but never thought about it in any other way. When my friend Laura (and Sponsor) told me SwissJust had a Thyme Cream, I was like WTF? She told me that she used it on her little girls when they would get a cold and I was like reeeeealllly?? I myself have two little boys ages 5 and 1 and they are always getting sick! I hate over the counter meds so i'm always trying to cure them with Vaporub and I fail because my 5 yr old always ends up in urgent care with some type of infection.

When I went to my first training on Thursday alot of ladies were RAVING about the Thyme Cream, so of course I had to google this ish... so I did and I found this:

The first strength of the aroma is medium to strong. Thyme is used in several ways for medicinal purposes. It is known to help arthritis, cuts, flu, insect boys, lice, oily skin, poor circulation, dermatitis, colds, and sore throats. There are many uses for this popular essential oil. The only safety concerns are that it not be used in patients that suffer from hypertension. It also can be an irritant to the skin and mucous membrane. Thyme is from the same family as sage and is a strong stimulant. As with all oils, the thyme oil is potent. Use only as directed for maximum benefit.

Thyme can be used as a stimulant to the circulation and raise low blood pressure. Thyme is also good for those who are feeling drowsy, depressed, or fatigued. It’s an appetite stimulant and is good for those that have been seriously ill. Thyme is also known to stimulate the brain and improve memory.

There are some wonderful benefits to using thyme. Diluted in oil it is wonderful for a massage. Massage those parts that you can reach, or have someone else massage any affected area. It will help relieve sore muscles and minor pains of arthritis.

If you add six to eight drops in your bathwater and soak for at least 10 minutes, you will sleep better that night. You can use thyme as a steam inhalant by placing two drops of oil in a steaming bowl of water, draping your head with a towel and taking deep breaths. Using one drop while cooking can help digest your food more efficiently.

Thyme is a strong antiseptic and is often used for disinfecting hands before surgery. It is helpful in gastric infections. Thyme is effective for treating all forms of infection. It’s especially effective against mouth and throat infections, colds, coughs, and sore throats. It can be used as an inhalant, mouthwash, or gargle. Thyme is also good for mouth and gum infections.

There are so many uses for this essential oil, thyme is used in cooking and aids digestion. It’s also good for urinary tract antiseptic, and for use in treating infections in the bladder and urinary tract.

Thyme is used also to ward off infections. By stimulating the production of white corpuscles, it increases the body’s resistance to any organisms that are trying to attack from the outside.

As well as the other benefits that thyme has, it can also be used in hot compresses to relieve pain and joint pain related to rheumatism. Used in hair rinses, it can also be used for sores and wounds. In addition, because it is an antifungal it can also be safely used for athlete’s feet.

Thyme is used in over-the-counter products such as Listerine mouthwash and Vicks VapoRub. It is well-known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Thyme tea is often used for coughs from emphysema, bronchitis, and even whooping cough. Tea made from thyme is also good for colds and flu.

To make the tea you need two teaspoons of dried herb for each cup of boiling water. Let it steep for ten minutes. You may want to add sage to the tea if you have a nagging cough. Thyme was an active ingredient in the over-the-counter cough syrup called Pertussin. You can make the tea a little stronger and it’s effective in treating sore gums.

There are many uses for this essential oil and its all-natural essence makes it a wonderful addition to your essential oil collection. With the many uses of thyme, wouldn’t it be a good idea to stock up on this essential oil and seriously consider some of the cures that can be gained from it.

Wow, Nice! Guess what, I ordered my first batch of the Thyme Cream a few days ago and I should be getting it on Monday....which is great because my 1 yr old is coming down with the sniffles....Just in Thyme! hahahaha... ok sorry..

Friday, February 5, 2010

another attempt

I've had many blogs throughout the years, but never was able to keep one up.. today is the beginning of a new day, a new life, a new adventure.

I just I quit my job, of 2 whole months (before then, I was at a company on and off  for 8  yrs). It was the worst working environment you could think of. Public humiliation, working for someone who was always unhappy, just as unhealthy as it can get, and with NO backup plan, I just walked away. Obviously my husband's support had a lot to do with the decision. Together we decided Health and Family comes first. So yea.... I did what I think to myself...and then it hit me... why am I here, what is my purpose. My purpose is to be HAPPY and live a HAPPY life. Stay at Home Mom, HERE I COME! WOOOHOOOOOO!!!! 

Yesterday I attended my first SwissJust Training..what is SwissJust? it's basically products that heal you naturally, emotionally, physically and dermo cosmetically. They've been around for over 75 yrs but why the heck hadn't I heard about them I thought to myself when I stumbled upon them exactly 2 months ago (my 3rd day on the job).

They are pretty amazing stuff, it takes us back to our where medicine should come from, Mother Nature, not some Laboratory.

I've had sooooo many opportunities to see different products, but none of them caught my eye like these.

I first started with their oils... after walking into an unknown office hysterically upset, a kind woman offered me a seat at her desk (this is on that 3rd day of work I just told you about) and she told me "Calmada, Calmada" '(calm down, calm down)..then she said "Ten esto, ponte unas gotas en tus manos y frotalas, despues tomas 3 inhaladas despacito, vas a ver que te vas a sentir bien: Translation: "Here take a couple of drops of this and rub your hands together really fast, then inhale slowly 3 times, you will feel better" I was like WTF?! is this lady giving me? Whatevs I thought, anything is better than this sucky day i'm having.... I kid you not within 5 minutes I started feeling so much more calm, I could actually speak without sobbing.

Anyway, I learned later it was a product called Anti-Stress from some Swiss Company called SwissJust.

A few days later some other girl at work gave me some hand cream for my dry hands and I was like dddaaang this is good stuff... I asked her what brand it was so I could go out and get some and she was like "SwissJust" I was like Jigga Whaaa?! isn't that the same company fromt that stress thing I took, and she was like "Yea!" I was like "Girl, come to my house on Sunday, we need to talk"

And that was that, I am now a SwissJust Consultant and a believer...

because of this wonderful product, i've decided that I will use this blog to give out tips, information, share my experiences with Just, and maybe throw a couple random posts about random stuff, like food, my kids, etc...

Thanks for reading my first post :-)