Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Melissa, not just a name.....

When I first heard of the Melissa Bath Essence, I thought it was named after the SwissJust owner's daughter's name or something... oh boy I was so wrong!  Melissa is actually an herb.... and what an herb it is! It has become, mine, and my two boys and our bathtub's best friend!! 

I put a few little drops of this wonderful bath essence into their bath's water, and they sleep like perfect little angels...yesssss!!

I found out more on Melissa for all of you as well...


Melissa officianalis, Certified Organic, Steam Distilled, English, leaves

Probably the most rare herbal essential oil is that distilled from the common Lemon Balm.

The high price of true Melissa is because, although the plant is easy to grow, it takes approximately THREE tons of plant material to yield 1/2 kilo of the essential oil.

A product of a favorite British distiller, this light, clear lemony oil is a delight to the senses and the emotions.

Its aroma is clear and icy-cool. Clean, not medicinal or citronella murky.

Uses? Medicinally Melissa essential oil has been confirmed to have powerful anti-viral properties. Studies in Germany indicate it is useful against various strains of flu virus, herpes, smallpox and mumps. Tisserand cites research indicating that Melissa blended with Rose Otto is effective against both shingles and cold sores. He recommends that adults apply the Melissa EO neat to cold sores, however it is an irritant, so you might want to try a dilution.

Melissa is also recommended for treatment of both nausea and indigestion, especially when they are caused by nervous tension. Some authorities say that it slows the heart beat, relieving palpitations and helps lower blood pressure. Blended with geranium, it may help ease painful periods.

Many sources recommend using Melissa to treat both acne, and allergic skin problems, but due to the irritating nature of the essential oil,it the hydrosol is recommended for skincare purposes.

Agitation - Dementia: A recent study quoted in the Journal of Complimentary Medicine showed that Melissa Essential oil is a safe and effective treatment for the management of agitation in severe dementia.  The study indicates that true pure melissa oil significantly reduced agitation and has important quality of life benefits.  Use of a Melissa herbal extract in a study of patients with mild to moderate Attention Deficit Disorder experienced significant benefits in cognition after 16 weeks of treatment.  Whether the same benefits would occur with use of the essential oil is unknown.

Emotionally, Melissa is a delight. It is a mild sedative in small doses, and believed to calm anxiety. Both calming and uplifting, Melissa Essential oil is said to be extremely useful in cases of emotional shock, grief, fear and anger. It is said to bring acceptance and understanding. Some say it helps in dealing with past lives (?).

WARNING: Melissa Essential Oil is a strong skin irritant, and needs to be used in VERY low dilutions. I would limit it to approximately five drops per ounce of carrier, or two to three drops in a bath

We have Melissa available in a Bath Essence which has a dramatic effect when used directly in water, but the beauty of the bath essence is that it can also be used with the Almond Carrier Cream and Almond Carrier Oil for use in massage. A bottle of the Melissa can last you up to 6 months!

Peace, Love aaaaaaaaand Aromatherapy Folks!
