Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How to control your Ideal Ph and Health Issues that arise when its not maintained

Is your Ph Balanced?? I only heard of PH in either the Deodorant commercials or when my pools Ph levels
are off..but never knew what it really was..

Having a correctly balanced acid alkaline diet is vitally important to our well being, fortunately there are very easy body pH tests that we can use. Having a high acid balance in our bodies can be a result of eating the wrong foods, or even environmental factors such as pollution and stress. A diet that is rich in acid foods such as too much convenience food, or by eating too much meat can have a direct result on how we feel and even how energetic we are.
We are learning more about these negative influences on our bodies, but it can be difficult to know if we are just feeling a bit low naturally, or whether our bodies have an imbalance in our pH. The pH calculation works on a scale from 1 to 14, with 1 being acid and alkaline registering at 14. While opinions remain divided about what is the optimum pH value, aiming between 6.75 and 7.25 is a good mean balance.

Ways to measure the bodies pH values.
There are two main ways to measure the body's pH values, either with urine or saliva. Litmus paper and pH test strips are both good ways to take your bodies measurements with the strips being easier to understand.

pH strips are very accurate and sensitive to pH levels and register values between 4.5 to 9.0 with the results within 15 seconds. pH strips record levels in 0.25 increments allowing you to get pinpoint accuracy with your levels. They are very economical and easy to read.

Litmus paper works in the same way as the strips but without the smaller incremental values. Litmus paper is either used with your saliva or urine and then wait a few seconds for the paper to change color. When the paper has stopped changing color, compare it to the chart included in the litmus packs to get your pH reading.

Ideal range - A pH value of between 6.75 and 7.25 is showing a balanced diet of acid alkaline foods and a healthy lifestyle.
The body has numerous mechanisms in place to maintain pH within the range of 7.35 to 7.45 necessary to prevent serious health issues or death. However, the ideal pH of the human body is 7.365. The closer body pH is to the ideal value, the better you feel and the easier it is to maintain long-term health.

Health Issues Arise When Ideal pH Is not Maintained
When pH drops below the ideal, the body experiences a more acidic environment. This leads to problems such as inflammation and narrowing of the arteries and corrosion of body tissue. Long-term acidic pH may lead to cancer, heart disease, or diabetes. Essentially, the body will do anything it can to raise the pH level, putting unneeded stress on internal organs and processes. Most individuals who suffer pH-related health problems do so because of a pH that is too low.
A pH higher than ideal creates a more basic environment. The human body prefers a slightly basic pH level and is better able to tolerate an increase in pH. However, a pH that is too high can also cause problems including slowed respiration, digestive problems, and confusion.

Health Benefits of Maintaining the Ideal pH
While you can survive with pH above or below ideal, you can only feel at your best while at your ideal pH. When the body no longer has to devote resources to balancing pH levels, it can focus on vital functions that become neglected, improving overall health. Benefits of maintaining ideal pH will include improved cardiovascular, digestive, and mental functioning. You will notice also notice immediate improvements in muscle functioning and stamina. When you control your pH over the long-term, it will help to prevent illnesses and infections that tend to thrive in an acidic environment.

Diet and Your Ideal pH
How can you can you improve your pH levels? Diet changes are the key. Many foods are too acidic, contributing to a low pH level and poor overall health. Examples include packaged and processed foods, soda, and most meats. The modern diet of most individuals is devoted to these types of foods, resulting in the decreases seen in overall health.

Alkaline foods are important to raise pH back to the ideal level and maintain it. These include fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, and increasingly popular “green drinks” that consist of ingredients including vegetable and wheat grass juices. Drinking lots of slightly alkaline water will also help to buffer against acidic foods and raise pH.

Anti-Stress  is the BEST and most efficient way to balance your Ph using Essential oils.. it balances you completely and helps you live a healthy STRESS free life!!

Here are 5 reasons why you should Balance your Ph with Anti Stress and EAT HEALTHY!

Higher Energy Levels
Your body is like a machine, and that machine can function in one of two ways: either it can struggle to operate at peak capacity because of poor maintenance and a lack of fluids, or it can fire on all cylinders, full of potential energy and productivity. The body needs a balanced diet to perform all of its functions properly. When you eat a balanced pH diet, combined with low amounts of unhealthy foods, your body has the perfect alkaline composition to perform all of its functions and has to dedicate less energy to compensating for low alkaline levels. This allows it to dedicate more energy to daily tasks, like exercise and the day’s work.

Better Immune System
When your body stops dedicating energy to rectifying alkaline levels that should be achieved through diet, it can focus more on boosting white blood cell count and more effectively combating everything from the common cold to more nefarious viruses like the flu. Additionally, it will ensure that if you do get sick, the experience will be far more brief and less miserable.
Lower Risk of Chronic Disease
By properly nourishing your body with a healthy alkaline level as well as a balanced pH diet and healthy foods, the risk of chronic diseases declines. This is because your body is able to fend off such things as diabetes, the causes of cancer, and heart disease instead of manufacturing basic bodily fluids and acids
Weight Control
Because a balanced pH diet is inherently a healthy diet, adhering to the rules of a healthy alkaline level helps a person maintain a healthy weight. When the body is given all the nutrients it needs from diet, rather than having to compensate for a lack of them, it is able to more fully focus on metabolizing food, burning calories, and maintaining a healthy weight. In addition, a healthy body is able to metabolize foods as energy much easier, rather than storing them as fat. This keeps fat amounts low, body weight healthy, and energy high
Reduced Risk of Cysts
Study after study has shown that highly-acidic diets result in increased calcification of bodily tissues, thus resulting in unhealthy and potentially-fatal cysts and growths throughout the body. A diet with balanced alkaline levels keeps the risk of these occurrences low by slowing the calcification process and helping the body to excrete and eliminate tissues which may already have been calcified.

A balanced pH diets inherently keeps alkaline levels in balance. And that means a number of healthy effects on the body. Most importantly, the reduced risk of terminal diseases like diabetes and heart disease, combined with a lower risk in tissue growth and cysts, means that a balanced pH diet contributes to increased longevity and a greater enjoyment of life in general.